Artificial constructs within American Liberalism

The artificial construct of abortion and women’s rights

As an American historian, there has always been a connection between abortion and women’s rights since Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League in 1921. While no one will doubt the importance of her work in birth control, abortion was never about being a viable birth control method. Her own writings and political speeches demonstrate that she saw abortion as a means of controlling the growing underclass in American society.

The importance of birth control and the feminist movement

Since human existence the issue of birth control has been at the forefront of women’s rights. Abortion has always been a separate issue for evangelical Christians and Catholics because it is not preventing conception but preventing birth. Traditionally, the argument after the Supreme Court decision of Roe v Wade has been when the baby is viable outside the womb. Advances in medical science and post-natal care has made it possible for babies born as early as twenty-one weeks and survive. With this, many are fighting to restrict abortion to the first trimester. This restriction is based on findings that unborn babies may feel pain as early as eight weeks

The artificial constructs created about abortion claim that it is needed for women who can die of pregnancy complications, rape, or incest. Within Planned Parenthood’s own statistics, it is reported that less than two percent of all abortions in America are done for these reasons. Unfortunately, since the days of Margaret Sanger, abortion has been tied to women’s rights. Again, there can be no rational discussion of abortion because the American Left has declared so.

How does the issue of abortion tie into sexual equality?

I made the mistake of asking this in a graduate history course on Twentieth Century America. For many Americans, myself included, women’s rights include suffrage, equal work for equal pay, and equal employment opportunities. Currently, various studies have concluded there are more women involved in higher education than any other time in American history. There are more women generals in the military than ever before, and we even have more women in high governmental positions also. The older generation of women I have spoken with are confused with what is being considered as feminism today.

The modern feminist movement has equated protecting abortion (as a woman’s choice issue), free birth control, and now many of the current movement want free feminine products or at least them to be tax-free. Instead of being able to have a national discussion on this, the American Liberal has again declared it a topic that is off-limits to any discourse. If you discuss it or feel differently about it, you’re immediately labeled as either a masochist or against women’s rights. And rolled into this is the completely separate issue of abortion.

Birth control: an issue where both parties are accountable?

During a U.S. history course last semester, the issue of abortion became a topic of a debate. I was actually surprised when one of my female students presented the idea that an abortion should be the decision of both partners, regardless of their actual relationship. She then shared a story of her sister, who had an abortion, but the father of the unborn child did not have a legal say in the future of his child. While women’s advocates stick to the claim that abortion is a woman’s right (the right for control over her own body), I have to ask when does a right give justification to cause another harm?

There has always been a social paradigm that gives men and women differing responsibilities when it comes to child-bearing. Single motherhood is the result of bad decisions, regardless of the real reason. Meanwhile, American society rejects any demands for parental responsibility or the solutions presented by America’s past. Just look at the number of men involved in the music industry and professional sports who have sired children yet provide no real and meaningful influence in their life. Again, the Left is noticeably silent on this issue or claims the woman was simply after the male celebrity’s wealth.

Other artificial constructs in American society

Unfortunately there are other artificial constructs being used by the American Left to force society to adopt their preferred vision for the nation. Man-made global warming climate change climate disruption, unfair wealth distribution, sustainable communities, immigration issues, and public education are just a handful of the other issues that have been defined by these artificial constructs. If each is taken at face value, the arguments attached to these issues are based not on fact or logic. The Liberal world view is defended by emotional appeal. In time, I hope to provide my analysis on these issues.

We see this emotional appeal and hear the chants demanding the desired social changes. The problem, between paid protestors and irrational demands being used by the Left, is most of America wants dialogue with real solutions. Most Americans are interested in working on the problems that exist now, as are faced by the nearly three full generations of Americans alive now. Americans do not want to be told how evil or mean their nation is. What Americans, what middle-America Americans want is to hear of the promises of the future, a plan to achieve them, and in a manner that is fair and equitable to all.

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Alan Simmons

Alan Simmons is an instructor of history at a community college in Kentucky. He has been involved in education since 1999 and has taught in post-secondary education since 2004.

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